Sunday, March 13, 2005

sorry no pics

having problems figuring out the picture thing. have to get back to Jojo on that one. maybe soon.


  1. NAAk! Awesome that you are blogging! It's such a cool way to keep up with the folks at home wouldn't you say?! I really am enjoying reading your latest posts! Keep em coming. Happy Birthday on your up and coming! Good to see you up and about on the net!!

    PS. If you'll go to and d/l the hello program, it'll allow you to post pictures directly into your blog. it'll appear as a separate post, but works well. Let me know if you need any help, but it's pretty self explanatory.

  2. Hey dude,

    Nancy gave me your address today. Its great to hear from you. We will visit often. oh by the way.... Happy Birthday!!!!!!

  3. It's great to see that you are blogging, I had trouble with the picture thing too for a while there. Great site
