Friday, September 04, 2009

Hammett, John S. Biblical Foundations for Baptist Churches: A Contemporary Ecclesiology

Hammett, John S. Biblical Foundations for Baptist Churches: A Contemporary Ecclesiology, Grand Rapids: Kregel Publications, 2005. 368pp. $19.99

Biblical Foundations for Baptist Churches has proved to be a very enjoyable and informative read. Hammett does a good job of surveying many issues surrounding the Baptist church culture and showing where it is positive and negative. The main focus of this book is to discuss Baptist ecclesiology, which is branch of theology that is concerned with the nature, constitution, and functions of a church; but through out this book he hits on other issues that stem out of these discussions. Hammett lays out a solid foundation for those interested in the Baptist tradition and the scriptural and theological reasons for such tradition.


Hammett divides his book up into five main sections aimed at answering five main questions. The first question that Hammett asked is “What Is the Church”. In this section of the book, Hammett discusses the nature, marks, and essence of the church. He defines the church by the Greek word ekklesia (26). From the use of that word, which means “the called-out ones” (26), Hammett argues that there are two primary churches: the church universal and the church local (28). From this he argues that there is only one church. “There is one and only one people of God” (32). We should not think that each local church constitutes a different people of God. However, he notes that no local church is dependent on another local church, or the universal church, in order to carry out its function. Each local church is fully able to carry out the task of God as a body of Christ (37).

Because of this, any true church will have certain marks about it, which include true believers who descend from the apostolic teaching. This does not imply that a church has to come from apostolic succession, which is never implied in the New Testament, but that they follow in what was taught by the apostles (60). For a church to be a church it must have the gospel of Jesus Christ (63). Thus Hammett argues that the essence of the church is not just a group of people, but an assembly of people elected by God for a divine purpose (68).

The second section discusses those who make up the church, which gives Hammett grounds for discussing in section three how it should be governed. Stemming right out of his discussion about the nature of the church comes regenerate church membership. This chapter, chapter four, will in many ways be foundational too much of the rest of the book. Hammett argues from both Scripture and tradition demonstrate that regenerate church membership is the only way to have a true church that is effective in its mission (102). Because Hammett holds to a fully regenerate church by only allowing believers to be baptized and practicing church discipline, he asserts that the proper church government is congregationalism. Because the whole church are true believers and all believers and priest before God, He affirms that all members of the church should hold equal right in governing itself (149); though he does argue for eldership leadership and the special role of deacons.

The forth section asks the question, “What does the church do?” Hammett says that the church’s functions can be discussed in five areas: the ministry of teaching, fellowship, worship, service, and evangelism (221). The church also partakes in the sacraments instituted by the Lord: limited only to baptism and the Lord’s supper (259). Hammett does a great job of discussing the proper role of the two sacraments and their sacramental value, which must be understood as means of grace, though not salvific (281).

Lastly, after Hammett has discussed many of the modern flaws of Baptist churches, he ask the question “Where is the church going?” This final section is interesting and challenging as some of the modern features of Baptist churches are discussed. Hammett discusses the positives and negatives of the “seeker sensitive movement” asserting that even though they are doing good things, dangers could come from a lack of gospel proclamation (309).

He also discusses the new wave of postmodernism and how the “emergent” movement is seeking to be relative to it (328). Near the end of his assessment on the churches seeking to reach the postmodern community, he says this about their changes in church life compared to that of the Reformers, “this movement did not begin with a call to change to be faithful to Scripture, but a call to change to responsive to culture” (329). Hammett argues that some of the motives are good and even some of the changes; however, we cannot depart from our orthodox heritage (331), which leads to the discussion about the shift of Baptist back to their roots in a desire to return to biblical faithfulness and mission (331-347).

Critical Evaluation

One of Hammett’s most helpful areas of discussion is the issue of regenerate church membership. This, above any other issue, has been the staple of the Baptist faith since the beginning. If it were not for the Baptist’s firm conviction of a regenerate church, the issue of credobaptism would have never come about. Baptists from the beginning have seen the New Testament’s demand for a pure church.

The description of local churches in the New Testament assumes that these local, visible congregations are composed of believers only. The church of God in Corinth is called “those sanctified in Christ Jesus” (1 Cor. 1:2). The letter to the Ephesians is addressed to “the saints in Ephesus, the faithful in Christ Jesus” (Eph. 1:1) (84).

The challenge for this position comes from the long standing tradition of infant baptism. Even some of the Protestant persuasion would argue that believer’s only baptism (credobaptism) is a new concept, and not apart of the historical and apostolic tradition passed down to us by the early church fathers through the centuries. However, Hammett argues that

The early church did not move to the adoption of infant baptism and a corresponding adoption of infant membership in local churches as soon as their founding members had children. Most scholars agree that the practice of infant baptism did not appear until the latter half of the second century and did not become widespread or standard until the late third of even forth century. The issue was being debated as late as Augustine, but his support and rational for it became decisive. Infant baptism and acceptance of the church as a mixed body composed of saved and unsaved became standard for the next thousand years (85-86).

Hammett has weakness in stating this. He makes a bold statement, “Most scholars agree that the practice of infant baptism did not appear until the latter half of the second century”, but gives no evidence of worthy scholarship that states this or primary sources to back it up. Those of differing opinions would say that their equal scholarship agues against this.

However, the fact that the issue was even being discussed in the latter part of the second century does show that this is not something that paedobaptist can argue has firm foundation in the apostolic tradition. Those that the evangelical church holds to as orthodox and apostolic held to credobaptism and paedobaptism. Thus, the issue of church membership and its importance lays in its biblical warrant.

It is helpful to see why this major shift took place in the church’s make up. It is assumed by most that the Christian community was made up primarily of believers and their children.

Before Constantine, persecution tended to keep membership in the church limited to those who were genuinely believers, and the line between the church and state was clear. After Constantine, the church became the recipient of imperial funds and favor rather than persecution. As a result, membership in the church became a mark of social acceptability, and there was a virtual stampede of candidates for the priesthood. This growing friendliness between church and state led to the eventual union of the two (88).

Thus, with the removal of persecution came the great expanse of the Christian kingdom, though not always the Christian faith. What resulted from this was centuries of false churches made up not of Christians who trusted in the grace of God, but sinful men who paraded under the Christian banner to their own destruction.

Stemming out of this was the Protestant Reformation under the leadership of Luther, Calvin, and Zwingli, who all agreed that the church was not for the ungodly who sought to merit their own righteousness under the rule of Rome, but for those who trusted in the grace of God found in Christ Jesus. There was a push to move churches back to a regenerate and gospel oriented position.

England had a push towards the Reformation, but more for political reasons than for religious. However, there were two groups that rose up in protest of the church’s false doctrine: the Puritans and the Separatist.

Purity had been the motive for the Puritans; the Separatist and Baptist took the search for purity further. For Baptist, a pure church had to be composed of believers alone. True believers would obviously want to obey Christ’s command and rightly observe the ordinances, and Baptist saw believer’s baptism as the only proper way to practice baptism. Further, baptism was the event in which one gave requisite to church membership, then regenerate membership would be preserved. Believer’s baptism protected regenerate church membership. We see this principle consistently reflected in Baptist thinking about the church (93).

The Puritans desire for purity was just as vibrant as the Separatist, and called for the salvation of the lost and the discipline of the ungodly. However, they seemed to not want to take the logical steps of their desire. They desired purity, but did not desire to keep out unbelieving children.

From this point on, Baptist were distinct and diffidently different from the rest of the universal church. Only a small group of other sects would practice exclusive credobaptism.

On the issue of proper subjects for church membership, it [Orthodox Creed of the early English General Baptist] preserves the Baptist perspective: “none ought to be admitted into the visible church of Christ, without being first baptized; and those which do really profess repentance toward God, and faith in, and obedience to our Lord Jesus Christ, are the only proper subjects of this ordinance, according to our Lord’s holy institution, and primitive practice” (95).

These early Baptist compelled by Scripture believed that they had to do whatever they could do to protect what was clear in Scripture and what was clear was that, “Regenerate church membership is clearly taught in Scripture. That point needs emphasis because this teaching was absent from church doctrine and practice from more than a thousand years” (98). Therefore “regenerate church membership was the root issue behind the origin of Baptists and has been a historic distinctive of Baptists” (98).

So where does that put the church at today? The issue is not whether or not the church should be regenerate. Most in the Baptist tradition agree that the church is meant to be pure; it is meant to be regenerate. The thing that is facing the church today in Baptist circles is what to do with the pews that are full of unregenerate people. It is clear that most Baptist churches do not fit the mold of what historic Baptist churches longed for, especially in the Southern Baptist Convention.

What is clearly taught in Scripture is the need for church discipline. Church discipline is an issue that expands beyond the borders of Baptist churches. Even the conservative Presbyterian denominations who practice paedobaptism practice church discipline on adult members who do not live as regenerate men should. So even some of the Presbyterian denominations believe that Scripture is clear that a church should be composed of regenerate adults (and only children are excluded from this demand).

However, many in the Baptist tradition refuse to practice church discipline. They are fearful that it will cause members to feel “law” bound, which separates them from the grace of God. But it is usually the fear that church discipline that will cause people to leave that makes most Baptist not want to practice church discipline. For them, church discipline is the thing that destroys churches. They are afraid that if church discipline is practiced, people will not want to come into such a judgmental group where obedience to Christ is expected, and members who are removed from membership will never want anything to do with the church again.

Now, it could very well be true that practicing church discipline could destroy churches. Why? Because it is probably likely that many of the church in the Baptist tradition are completely dead churches, with very few or no regenerate members. The process of clearing the roles of fall converts could destroy such a church. However, if one holds to the Baptist tradition, such a “church” is not really a church at all and should be destroyed.

There is through some legitimate concern that church discipline would damage the church of God. People do not want to be pressured to live perfect lives. When church discipline is practiced, it should always be done with the hope that a person sees their sin and desire to be restored. That is not the case often times through, and so church numbers could decline when such an action is taken. What is troubling though is that when churches practice church discipline, the churches do not usually rupture as feared.

Rather than driving people away, meaningful membership could be the most attractive witness a church could offer. Greg Wills notes that from 1790 to 1860, when Baptist churches maintained high rates of discipline, they also maintained high rates of growth, growing at a rate twice that of the population, while in later years, as their discipline fell, so did their growth (115).

Hammett argues that “meaningful membership has ‘the potential for awaking literally millions of lost church members’” (115). It is true that some might leave the churches because they do not obey Christ, but it could be that many might see the depth of their own sins when confronted and result in their humility before Christ and salvation by God’s grace. What is scary is that even though this is true, millions of Baptist will not practice church discipline because it will damage the church, which is not even a true church. What they are doing by their selfishness is securing the damnation of millions who will never be informed of their weary state before a just and holy God.

Therefore, as Hammett argues, we as Baptist much repent of the sin of not practicing church disciple and fight the good fight of keeping the church pure and regenerate. It will be a long and hard endeavor, but one that we must do if we are to be faithful to the One who has called us. We much be a people who long to see Christ honored above all things and

Christ is honored when his bride is holy, but that cannot be as long as many of the members are making up that bride live like lost people. The Charleston Summary of Church Discipline says that when churches allow unconverted people to crowd into them, they “make the church of Christ a harlot.” Christ is honored when churches are composed of people whose church membership means first of all a genuine, vital commitment to Christ, and second, a commitment to the people of that local body, Christ is honored when church membership is meaningful.

Therefore, let us as regenerate men and women fight for meaningful and regenerate church membership that Christ might be honored and His body grow.


Hammett has written a fine work for those of the Baptist faith. He writes as a man with great insight and zeal for the church of God. Biblical Foundations for Baptist Churches would prove to be a helpful resource for any pastor, but more exegetical and primary source work would be necessary. What Hammett’s work might be most helpful for is use in Sunday school classes, which would provide great opportunity for discussion of the distinctions between the Baptist tradition and others. What could stem out of that are churches compelled to live according to the Word of God and fall in love with the One it is written about as they come to understand what Christ has accomplished for His church, the saints of God and regenerated.

Scott, Stuart. The Exemplary Husband: A Biblical Perspective

Scott, Stuart. The Exemplary Husband: A Biblical Perspective. Bemidji, MN: Focus Publishing, 2002. 372pp. $13.95.

The Exemplary Husband is a book written from the heart of a pastor. Its aim is to teach men the foundations of biblical Christianity and manhood, and then in light of them show how a man is supposed to be an exemplary husband. The books author, Stuart Scott, is currently an Associate Professor of Biblical Counseling at Southern Baptist Theological Seminary in Louisville, Ky. However, Scott’s experience in biblical counseling has not come from the academic side only, as he was formally an Associate Pastor at Grace Community Church in Sun Valley, CA. With all of these credentials, maybe none is more impressive than Scott’s thirty plus year marriage to his wife Zondra, which demonstrates that what he teaches he also practices.


The Exemplary Husband is broken down into four main parts. The first section is entitled “A Husband’s Recognitions” and is basically Scott’s setting the stage by laying a rock solid foundation on the Word of God. In chapter one he shows what man is in his own mind and how very often, when man thinks he is doing well, he is actually not and is therefore in need of the example of Christ in order to be all that he is suppose to be as husband. In chapters two Scott gives us a proper understanding of who God actually is and out of that comes chapter three where we see the sorry state of man apart from Christ. Because of the entrance of sin into the world, Scott shows how man’s many relationships have been corrupted in chapter four and in chapter five focuses in on the relationship of marriage. Lastly, in the first section, Scott defines the role of a husband is the union of marriage.

After establishing a firm foundation on the biblical and theological truths of God, man’s state and the consequence of sin, Scott moves into the second section “A Husband’s Responsibilities”. In this section he deals with what he considers to be “faithful” commitments. These commitments are commitments a husband must make to his wife, but they are done under the husband’s submission to God. They involve worshiping Christ alone, love, being a leader, physical intimacy, and proper stewardship. It is difficult to see without reading the book through the chapters, but Scott’s aim is to build one chapter on top of another, constantly laying layer upon layer, remaining firmly grounded on the biblical foundation of the first section. Moving into the third section, he reaches the most practical contributions.

The third section is entitled, “A Husband’s Resolve”. Here Scott demonstrates the sort of tangible characteristics a husband must “resolve” to have in order to be the exemplary husband, a husband who is in the likeness of Christ. For those who have read much on the issues of theology and/or biblical manhood, the earlier chapters, through strong and necessary in their function, are much of what has already been stated by many other authors. However, section three moves beyond the abstract into the much more day to day livelihood of husbands and secures for this book a rightful place on the book shelf of any Christian husband who desires to better serve his wife in Christ-like love.

The final section, through strong, necessary, and beneficial, seems like an odd way of ending such an excellent work. Through it finds itself in the right place in the building system Scott started out from the beginning; it is kind of a downer way to end the book after such a climatic third section. The forth and final section is “A Husband’s Regret”. In this chapter, Scott deals with a few of the main regrets that a husband might have, and most likely will have, from some points in his marriage: anger, anxiety and fear, and lust. Thankful, he does not just leave us to morn over our own failures, past, present, and future, but encourages us by the grace of God in Christ that we can endure and change for the better (303-4).

Critical Evaluation

Now that a basic synopsis has been given we can deal with the critical evaluation, however, the danger would be to think that the word critical inherently means negative. In order to remain balanced, two topics will be discussed with the first being negative and the second positive. The negative aspect of this book is that even though it is extremely biblical, it fails to be expositional in its dealing with the Scripture. The positive, which is left for last because the book is over all positive, deals with how the husband should deal with the wife’s sin as a leader. This section of the books is worth the price of the whole book for the man who struggles in how to love his wife as one who wishes to correct her and help her become more Christ-like.

The Lack of Expositional

Analysis of Scripture

Before this discussion is started, it is necessary that some time be taken to look at what is not being stated here. In no way does Scott deal falsely with his quoted Scripture. It is obvious that Scott is a man of the Book and desires to show that it is the final authority of men who desire to be Christ-like husbands. It would be very sad is someone read this review and came out thinking that Scott dealt with the quoted Scripture poorly. Rather, Scott deals with the Scripture very well and such a lifestyle of biblical framework should be the desire for every Christian husband.

Now that the negative criticism is prefaced, the failure, through small, of this book is that Scott fails to exposit the biblical passages that he mentions. What Scott does is comparable to most evangelical preaching in that he comes up with a through, however true it may be, and then as he moves through his thought inserts Scripture into places to support his argument. The benefit of this is that it makes for a good reference edition for those who might wish to memorize certain passages that help in a certain area of weakness. However, there is a negative result.

What we are left with seems to be Scott’s idea of an exemplary husband instead of what the Bible thinks. Though Scott’s method is not completely invaluable, at times it would have been better to spend a lengthy time dealing with one passage of Scripture, dealing with that passage in its historical context, and then fleshing out how that applies to being a biblical and Christ-like husband. John Piper, author of This Momentary Marriage: A Parable of Permanence, does this and does a better job of showing what the biblical authors meant about marriage and being a godly husband.

In Piper’s approach, what is called the expository method, the modern author deals with a passage that is large enough to carry its context and then pushes the reader to submit to the overwhelming clarity that Scripture has spoken on the subject and must be obeyed. Scott’s method, typically known as the topical method, assumes that the reader will agree with what is said and if not assumes that the reader will be overwhelmed by the substantial amount of text quoted. However, this effect may not occur, as is true of the expository method, because the reader may question the author’s use of such quotes.

Thus, Scott’s book would have been better if he had dealt more carefully with certian biblical passages and let his thoughts flow from them as he walks through it instead of having his thoughts all lined up and then finding Scripture to support. Thankfully, Scott proves to be a man who is faithful to the Scripture and does deal rightly with the Word of God, even if he doesn’t prove it in his writing. Therefore, it should be respected as a fine work and enjoyed as sound and wise teaching, especially in the area correcting a wife’s sin.

Helping a Wife Deal With Sin

Without Being a Nagger or a Jerk

Scott has a strong desire to see men of God become husbands who are Christ-like and God glorifying. That is clear from the beginning all the way through the book. What else is clear is that he understands the weaknesses of men and the difficulty of becoming what is desired. Few areas can be more challenging to a husband who desires to be like Christ than the area of helping a wife deal with sin. Many struggles arise with this important task of the godly husband, with the most difficult being that men themselves are sinners (206-7).

However, even with this difficulty, it is absolutely necessary for the husband to deal with his wife’s sin in love (205). And Scott demonstrates that for us to act as we should as husbands we must be ready at all times to confront our wife’s sin. One of the ways he says to accomplish this is to be sure to know if there is “any glaring sin in my own life that my wife may see or have against me (Matthew 7:1-5)” (208).

In Matthew 7:1-5, Jesus is teaching during the famous Sermon on the Mount and says,

Judge not, that you be not judged. For with the judgment you pronounce you will be judged, and with the measure you use it will be measured to you. Why do you see the speck that is in your brother’s eye, but do not notice the log that is in your own eye? Or how can you say to your brother, 'Let me take the speck out of your eye,' when there is the log in your own eye? You hypocrite, first take the log out of your own eye, and then you will see clearly to take the speck out of your brother’s eye.

Something Scott demonstrates here is that a man should be careful to watch over his own sin for the sake of his wife. Often times, we are challenged to think that our sin is our sin and the only one it effects is us. As some would say, “It is between God and me!” However, Scott shows that our sin is not something that we alone have to deal with, but it effects how well we serve as husbands to our wives.

Why is this so important? Because we as followers of Christ Jesus should desire to see all things accomplished for His glory because, “For by him all things were created, in heaven and on earth, visible and invisible, whether thrones or dominions or rulers or authorities—all things were created through him and for him” (Colossians 1:16). There is nothing that has not been created for His glory. Everything is for His glory. Part of that creation is the institution of marriage and therefore we as His disciples should aim to see Him magnified in all things. We should have the same desire and hope that Paul had when he penned, “Him we proclaim, warning everyone and teaching everyone with all wisdom, that we may present everyone mature in Christ. For this I toil, struggling with all his energy that he powerfully works within me” (1:28-29). This is the apostolic hope and should be our hope as well.

Therefore, correcting our sin first and then preparing to correct out wife’s sin has implications that go beyond just our marriage; fighting sin and helping a spouse in sin has gospel implications. The way we love our wife in this area may be more significant than any other area because our desire is not just to have a good marriage, but to see God glorified and Christ exulted in the way we as a one-flesh union act.

Since it is now evident that sin is far reaching and more important that just something between two people, it is clear why the husband should take sin seriously. This sin that he must take seriously is not just major sins such as adultery, drunkenness, or apostasy, but all sin. At this time it is appropriate to quote Scott at length because of his wise counsel on this.

I also used to teach that unless someone sins a “big” sin, or unless a sin becomes a regular pattern, we should not address it. The idea was to wait until a person has formed a habit of sin before doing something about it. Otherwise, we are being to picky, judgmental, or playing the role of the Holy Spirit. In addition to finding no Scripture for this view, I also came to realize that this perspective seems to be very unloving and detrimental to others. I say this because it is actually far easier for a person to deal with and avoid sin before it becomes a habit. We should not sit around and watch our wives become entangled in sin before we attempt to help them. (211)

Scott’s insight into this issue is full of wisdom and truth. There is no doubt that many, if not most, people assume that the way to deal with sin is just over look it. Scott calls this the “cover” method (211). To deal with sin in this way is not only the passive method, which does not correspond with being a biblical husband, but it is the selfish and lazy way. What one is doing here, whether they realize it or not, is not taking on the rightful duties of being a husband. He is not practicing male headship over the wife and is not acting as a good steward of the gift that God has given to him for a time. He is being lazy in not doing what is demanded of him and is being selfish because he does not want to deal with the possible conflict that might arise. Such a husband is failing in his most important calling.


There is much more that could be drawn from Scott’s excellent work on the subject of dealing with a wife’s sin, and any husband who senses a struggle in how to do this well should pick up The Exemplary Husband. This book has proven to be a deep well of wisdom and insight and would be a helpful read for Christian husbands and pastors who counsel both married and soon to be married men. The Christian community that sees the biblical demand on men to be the heads of their homes are greatly indebted to Scott for this work. May Christ who created the institution of marriage for His glory be magnified by the men who read and glean from this book.

Wednesday, June 03, 2009

Youth Pastor in Frankfort

As many of you already know, I am now a youth pastor in Frankfort, Ky. The church's name is Bellepoint Baptist Church. I have been here now for about three weeks and have enjoyed getting to know the people and the teaching opportunities I have had. The reason for this post is to inform you of the recent blog I have started for the church, and it can be found at That will serve as the entrance into the rest of the blog, which is still under a lot of work. What I'm excited about is the youth section. That is where I will be putting up my weekly teachings. If you have a chance, go and check it out and tell me what you think.

grace and peace,

Thursday, May 21, 2009

Tim Keller Speaks on Idolatry

By Garrett E. Wishall Tim Keller serves as senior pastor of Redeemer Presbyterian Church in Manhattan, N.Y.

Originally found on Towers Online

Question: What do pastors need to be doing to lead their flock out of idolatry and into Christlikeness?

Tim Keller: The subject of idolatry is a lot more nuanced and complex than I could possibly get across in my talk at the Gospel Coalition conference. I made an allusion to the fact that idolatry sometimes is talked about in the Bible under the heading of spiritual adultery. It is also sometimes talked about under the heading of spiritual mastery and slavery. When Paul talks about those who are slaves to sin: all of those categories are actually talking about idolatry.

Most preachers feel like "If I'm going to preach about idols, I have to tell people what an idol is." What they don't have in mind is: idolatry is at the root of all of our psychological problems, moral problems, cultural issues, our political problems. It is such a pervasive category in the bible. For example, at the end of 1 John 5, even though idols have not been listed -- he has been saying, "Walk in holiness," "Walk in the light," "Walk in love," "Walk in truth," -- at the very end he says, "Keep yourself from idols." The word idolatry isn't anywhere in there before the last verse. What that means is, we don't think deeply enough. We just look at the behavioral level and say "Stop doing this, start doing this," and we don't realize that there is an idolatrous reason behind each behavioral issue. For example, behind the belief that women should be ordained is the need for power and a love for feeling in charge.

To get a grasp on the pervasiveness of idolatry, I would say the first thing you would need to do is that you need to get a better grip on the subject. Most of the Christian Counseling Education Foundation (CCEF) stuff on changing, talks about idolatry, particularly about psychological idols. You could read a politically liberal Christian or a political conservative to understand what's going on in culture. There are a whole lot of other books that are now being produced on the idea of idolatry in the church...and I think what a minister needs to do is get that into their bloodstream so they are always preaching with idolatry in mind. I think you have to understand the concept pretty deeply and then it will influence the way in which you preach and the way in which you pastor.

Q: What safeguards should 20-something pastors have in place to avoid the idolatry of ministry fame and the attitude of big numbers equals success?

TK: If you know it is a danger, that is a very important start. Additionally, when you find yourself unusually discouraged because things aren't growing or people aren't listening to you -- you have to catch yourself. You have to realize "This is an inordinate amount of discouragement, which reveals the idolatry of justification by ministry." Meaning, you say you believe in justification by grace, but you feel like and are acting like you believe in justification by ministry. You have to recognize you are making something of an idol out of ministry. When you do experience inordinate discouragement because things aren't going well, you need to say, "It's okay to be discouraged but not to be this discouraged. This is discouragement that leads to idolatry," and you repent.

Additionally, idols create a fantasy world. You may think that you are just thinking about ministry strategy, but it could be you're fantasizing about success. So be careful about doing too much daydreaming about success, what you would like to see happen. Because it's really a kind of pornography. You're actually thinking about a beautiful church and people acclaiming you: be careful about fantasizing too much about ministry success and dreaming about it and thinking about what it's going to look like.

On Adoption and Orphan Care: A Proposed Resolution

Yesterday I submitted a resolution to the Resolutions Committee of the 2009 Southern Baptist Convention. The Resolutions Committee has full power to decline or rewrite any resolution so just because this is submitted doesn’t mean it will be voted on by the SBC. That’s entirely at the discretion of the committee. Nonetheless, below is the resolution I submitted for their consideration.

“On Adoption and Orphan Care”

WHEREAS, in the gospel we have received the “Spirit of adoption” whereby we are no longer spiritual orphans but are now beloved children of God and joint heirs with Christ
(John 14:18; Rom. 8:12-25; Gal. 3:27-4:9; Eph. 1:5); and

WHEREAS, the God we now know as our Father reveals himself as a “father of the fatherless” (Ps. 68:5) who grants mercy to orphans (Deut. 10:18; Hos. 14:3); and

WHEREAS, our Lord Jesus welcomes the little ones (Luke 18:15-17), pleads for the lives of the innocent (Ps. 72:12-14), and shows us that we will be held accountable for our response to “the least of these my brethren” (Matt. 25:40); and

WHEREAS, the Scripture defines “pure and undefiled religion” as “to visit orphans and widows in their trouble” (Jas. 1:27); and

WHEREAS, the satanic powers have warred against infants and children from Pharaoh to Moloch to Herod and, now, through the horrors of a divorce culture, an abortion industry, and the global plagues of disease, starvation, and warfare; and

WHEREAS, Southern Baptists have articulated an unequivocal commitment to the sanctity of all human life, born and unborn; and

WHEREAS, a denomination of churches defined by the Great Commission must be concerned for the evangelism of children—including those who have no parents; and

WHEREAS, upward of 150 million orphans now languish without families in orphanages, group homes, and placement systems in North America and around the world; and

WHEREAS, our Father loves all of these children, and a great multitude of them will never otherwise hear the gospel of Jesus Christ; therefore, be it

RESOLVED, that the messengers to the Southern Baptist Convention meeting in Louisville, Kentucky, June 23-24, 2009, express our commitment as a denomination of churches to join our Father in seeking mercy for orphans; and be it further

RESOLVED, that we call on each Southern Baptist family to pray for guidance as to whether God is calling them to adopt or foster a child or children; and be it further

RESOLVED, that we encourage our pastors and church leaders to preach and teach on God’s concern for orphans; and be it further

RESOLVED, that we commend churches and ministries that are equipping families to provide financial and other resources to those called to adopt, through grants, matching funds, or loans; and be it further

RESOLVED, that we ask our International Mission Board and North American Mission Board to prioritize the evangelism of and ministry to orphans around the world, and to seek out ways to energize Southern Baptists behind this mission; and be it further

RESOLVED, that we encourage Southern Baptist churches to join with other evangelical Christians in recognizing November 8, 2009, as “Orphan Sunday,” focusing that day on our adoption in Christ and our common burden for the orphans of the world; and be it further

RESOLVED, that we hope what God is doing in creating an adoption culture in so many churches and families can point us to a gospel oneness that is defined not by “the flesh” racial, economic, or cultural sameness but by the Spirit unity and peace in Christ Jesus; and be it finally

RESOLVED, that we pray for an outpouring of God’s Spirit on Southern Baptist congregations so that our churches increasingly will announce and picture, in word and in deed, that “Jesus loves the little children, all the children of the world.”

No, Mr. President: John Piper's Response to President Obama on Abortion

John Piper’s Personal Tribute to the Late Ralph Winter

(Author: John Piper from Desiring God blog)

At 9:05 PM, May 20, 2009 Ralph Winter, the founder of the U. S. Center for World Missions died.

Nobody in the area of missions had a greater impact on me. Others had a greater impact on me in the area of missions, like Jonathan Edwards, but no one actually in missions affected me more than Ralph Winter.

First, he was a professor of mine at Fuller Seminary and introduced me to the stunning works of God in missions in the last two hundred years. His vision of the advance of the gospel was breathtaking.

He wore a bow tie in those days, iconoclast that he was, and was fined by the seminary for not returning our papers on time. None of us begrudged him his scattered approach to life. It was thrilling in those days.

Second, in 1974 at the Lausanne Missions Congress Winter reached up and pulled the unseen rope called "unreached peoples" that rang a bell that reverberates to this day.

This concept, and the subsequent emphasis on unreached peoples (as opposed to unreached "fields") has been globally seismic in the transformation of missions. It gripped me and shaped all we have done in missions at Bethlehem ever since the mid 1980s.

Third, in the 1980s he bought a 15 million dollar college campus with virtually nothing in his hand to start the U. S. Center for World Missions; and he paid for it by persuading enough of us (thousands) to give "the last thousand." Brilliant! I think I sent $2,000. Couldn't resist the vision.

The point of the U. S. Center was to trumpet the vision that there are unreached peoples in the world, and then equip the church to reach them.

Fourth, Ralph Winter was probably the most creative thinker I have ever known. I mean, on any topic that you brought up, he would come at it in a way you have never dreamed of. He saw all things in relationship to other things that you would never think of relating them to.

This meant that stalemates often became fresh starting points. If you were struggling with a tension in your church, he might say: "Well, think about the Navy." Or if you were having a marriage problem, he might say, "Did you notice how that bridge was built?"

Fifth, Ralph Winter befriended me. He encouraged me. In my most restless early days, he would tell me to stay at Bethlehem because I could do more by sending than by going.

Finally, he did not waste his life, not even the last hours of it. He was busy dictating into the last days. He taught me long ago that the concept of "retirement" was not in the Bible.

What a gift he was to the church. To the world. Thank you, Father, for the legacy of this visionary, risk-taking, creative, encouraging lover of unreached peoples who lived unstoppably for the glory of God.

* * *

Watch Ralph Winter talk for four minutes about unreached peoples and what comes next:

Wednesday, May 20, 2009

The Baptist Catechism: Who is the first and best of beings?

The Baptist Catechism: A Study of Baptist Doctrine

Question 1: Who is the first and best of beings?

Answer: God is the first and best of beings.

Scripture: Isaiah 44:6; Psalm 8:1; 96:4; 97:9, 1 Samuel 2:2

1. Isaiah 44:6 - Thus says the LORD, the King of Israel and his Redeemer, the LORD of hosts: "I am the first and I am the last; besides me there is no god.”

2. Psalm 8:1 - O LORD, our Lord, how majestic is your name in all the earth! You have set your glory above the heavens.

3. Psalm 96:4 - For great is the LORD, and greatly to be praised; he is to be feared above all gods.

4. Psalm 97:9 - For you, O LORD, are most high over all the earth; you are exalted far above all gods.

5. 1 Samuel 2:2 - There is none holy like the LORD; there is none besides you; there is no rock like our God.

Isaiah 44:6-20

6Thus says the LORD, the King of Israel and his Redeemer, the LORD of hosts: "I am the first and I am the last; besides me there is no god. 7 Who is like me? Let him proclaim it. Let him declare and set it before me, since I appointed an ancient people. Let them declare what is to come, and what will happen. 8Fear not, nor be afraid; have I not told you from of old and declared it? And you are my witnesses! Is there a God besides me? There is no Rock; I know not any."

9 All who fashion idols are nothing, and the things they delight in do not profit. Their witnesses neither see nor know, that they may be put to shame. 10 Who fashions a god or casts an idol that is profitable for nothing? 11 Behold, all his companions shall be put to shame, and the craftsmen are only human. Let them all assemble, let them stand forth. They shall be terrified; they shall be put to shame together.

12 The ironsmith takes a cutting tool and works it over the coals. He fashions it with hammers and works it with his strong arm. He becomes hungry, and his strength fails; he drinks no water and is faint. 13The carpenter stretches a line; he marks it out with a pencil. He shapes it with planes and marks it with a compass. He shapes it into the figure of a man, with the beauty of a man, to dwell in a house. 14 He cuts down cedars, or he chooses a cypress tree or an oak and lets it grow strong among the trees of the forest. He plants a cedar and the rain nourishes it. 15Then it becomes fuel for a man. He takes a part of it and warms himself; he kindles a fire and bakes bread. Also he makes a god and worships it; he makes it an idol and falls down before it. 16Half of it he burns in the fire. Over the half he eats meat; he roasts it and is satisfied. Also he warms himself and says, "Aha, I am warm, I have seen the fire!" 17And the rest of it he makes into a god, his idol, and falls down to it and worships it. He prays to it and says, "Deliver me, for you are my god!"

18They know not, nor do they discern, for he has shut their eyes, so that they cannot see, and their hearts, so that they cannot understand. 19No one considers, nor is there knowledge or discernment to say, "Half of it I burned in the fire; I also baked bread on its coals; I roasted meat and have eaten. And shall I make the rest of it an abomination? Shall I fall down before a block of wood?" 20 He feeds on ashes; a deluded heart has led him astray, and he cannot deliver himself or say, "Is there not a lie in my right hand?"


I. Who is like the Lord? No one (6-8)

a. He is the first and the last, there is no other god beside Him.

b. He is the King and Redeemer of Israel.

i. Who is Israel?

1. Israel is the historic people of God. The people God called out of Egypt.

2. Israel is the people of God who by faith have been grafted in and called sons of God (Romans 9-11).

c. He is a Rock, He does not change (Malachi 3:6).

d. This section is a call to faith in the one true and living God.

II. Idolatry is great folly [stupid] (9-20)

a. Those who make idols are nothing. This would include those who worship them as well. (9-11)

i. The idols they make to not profit.

1. In fact, they cause loss, because our worship is supposed to be for God only (Exodus 20:3).

2. Also, we become like what we worship (Jeremiah 2:5-11).

a. When we worship God we reflect His glory (Genesis 1:26).

b. When we worship worthless things we become worthless (Jeremiah 2:5)

ii. Those who commit idolatry will be put to shame (Jeremiah 10:14).

1. Who were the first people to feel shame? Adam and Eve

a. When were they not ashamed? Before the fall (Genesis 2:25)

b. But after the fall they hid themselves out of shame (Genesis 3:10).

c. When should we feel shame? When we sin

iii. In idolatry, it is a man who makes god. Should not a god making man?

iv. Those who worship idols should be terrified (Exodus 20:4).

b. Worshipping idols is hard work (12)

i. The ironsmith uses a strong arm. This implies that he uses all his strength.

ii. He becomes hungry and weak, but drinks no water and becomes faint.

1. The labor of worshiping idols is hard – it is not easy!

a. What are some examples of idol worshiping that we do that is hard?

i. _________________________________

ii. _________________________________

b. But the Lord calls all to him who are weary for His burden is light (Matthew 11:25-30).

c. Why is worshiping idols hard and worshiping God easy?

i. Idols do not have any power to give (Jeremiah 51:17).

ii. Christ gives strength to those who trust in Him (Philippians 4:13).

c. Worshipping idols does not make since (13-17)

i. Half of the wood he uses for fire and half for an idol.

1. The fire satisfies him

a. When we use God’s creation properly it makes us happy

b. When we use God’s creation improperly is makes us fools

2. The other half he makes his god

a. He ask the piece of wood to deliver him

i. God is the one who delivers us from calamity (Psalm 51:14).

ii. But to idolaters he delivers them to calamity (Leviticus 26:25).

d. We should be a people who discern what is right (18-20)

i. Who is the he in verse 18? God (Romans 1:28)

1. Why did God close their eyes and hearts? Because they chose to worship idols

ii. Who realizes that half of the wood is used for fire and half for an idol? No one

iii. Who cannot deliver him? He cannot deliver himself for God alone is Deliver.

1. That is why we need the Gospel – it alone is the power of God for salvation (Romans 1:16).

Tuesday, May 19, 2009

The Bible Metanarrative: Understanding the Bible as a Story of God's Kingdom Process

The Bible Metanarrative: Understanding the Bible as a Story of God's Kingdom Process

God's Big Picture: Vaughn Roberts

1) Why did God create the world? For His Glory

a) How was God to bring this about? He decreed that His Son should be made Savior & Ruler of a chosen people.

i) What are the decrees of God? (Baptist Catechism)

(1) The decrees of God are his eternal purpose, according to the counsel of His will, whereby for his own glory, he has foreordained whatsoever comes to pass (Ephesians 1:11; Romans 11:36; Daniel 4:35; Isaiah 46:10; Psalm 115:3).

ii) What does it mean that He is Savior?

(1) It means that man, having sinned against God, is now a rebel against the kingdom of God and in need of a saving from the wrath of God (Ephesians 2:11-16).

(a) Who is in need of saving because of sin? alll (Romans 3:23)

iii) What does it mean that He is a Ruler?

(1) It means that God has made Him king over all creation and there is nothing that is not subjected to Him (Hebrews 1:2-3; Psalm 8:5-6).

2) Understanding the Metanarrative of History: Part 1

a) Creation – The Pattern of the Kingdom: Genesis 1-2

b) Fall – The Perished Kingdom: Genesis 3

c) Abrahamic Covenant – The Promised Kingdom: Genesis 12

d) Exodus, Conquest, and Monarchy – The Partial Kingdom: Genesis 12 - 2 Chronicles

e) Division of the Kingdom, Exile, and the 2nd Temple – The Prophesied Kingdom: Ezra - Malachi

f) Incarnation & Redemption – The Present Kingdom: Matthew – John

g) Last Days – The Proclaimed Kingdom: Acts – Revelation 18

h) New Creation – The Perfected Kingdom: Revelation 19-22

3) Understanding the Metanarrative of History: Part 2 – The Cycle of History

a) Creation – God creates man as rulers over the world to procreate and subdue it

b) Fall – Man rejects God's demands and seeks to elevate Himself above God

c) Redemption – God provides a way for man to have acceptance with God again

d) Recreation – God gives to man a kingdom in His presence where He can live happily

4) Understanding Sovereignty and Sufferings

a) God created a world in which there is suffering, but He did not sin Himself and is not responsible

b) Man suffers because of the cataclysmic effect of sin on creation:

i) Death was caused by man's sin: his own and animals (Genesis 2:17, 3:21)

c) God decreed for sin to happen because it would eventually bring about a greater creation

d) All suffering is for our good, even if we do not understand, and thus we should wait on God to reveal to us why it is good (Romans 8:28).

e) God is still active with His creation and desires its good which is seen in His revealing Himself to it, His redeeming it from despair, and eventually creating it anew in the end (better than it was before).

Picture above is found in Vaughan Roberts' God's Big Picture on page 157.