Sunday, March 13, 2005

Best Friends in the World

This post in entitled, “Best Friend in the World” because that is simply what I have. In three days it will be the 15 of March, my birthday. Not that it is all that important, but some out of the kindness of there hearts have made it that way for me, not because I'm becoming a year older, but because they loved me enough to go though the trouble of making in special for me when I am so far away.

They sent me some snacks, movies, candy, and letters which I really have enjoyed. The greatest thing though was a wonderful blanket that the Martha Stewart, without the jail time, of the group, Wendy, made me. It is soccer balls on one side due to the fact that I love soccer even though I'm horrible and on the other side is one of the coolest things ever. It is gray which goes well with the front since the primary colors of the soccer team I played for and helped coach one year, White County High School, is gray and maroon. It isn’t the color that is so amazing though. It is the stuff that Wendy sowed on. In the center is the logo of the First Baptist Church Youth Ministry which we have had on t-shirts for the past few years. Wendy took a shirt and using the logo placed in on the center of the blanket. For the next thing you have to understand a custom of our group. When ever we go some where we like to get shirts with out names on the back of them that way people will know who we are and where we come from. Couple of summers ago we went to a World Changers event to do some work and we had these shirts made. This is the cool thing, some of the kids and adults were willing to give up their shirts to be ruined so that the names could be taken off the back and placed on my blanket. It was awesome. Nancy said that others had brought shirts but they came late and she was in a hurry so that I would receive it before my birth day, but those on it are: K-PA, LEASTER, AUDREY, SHMERIN, JUDGE, MOMSTER, K-POO, BEISIL, STINKY, TIMBO, BANANNA, RYANNE, WENGE. Don’t be worried if some of those sound like funny names to you but we like our nick names. Well to all back home thanks for the great birthday. Wish I was there to enjoy it with you but I'm will all of you in spirit. God bless you all.

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