naak's big adventure was once in a land far away, but now it's near; but the adventure of life continues and this is how it goes...
Wednesday, April 13, 2005
Stairway to Heaven
This is a picture that was taken from the OP (Observation Post) at Brassfield-Mora one morning. If you will look to the bottom right of the sun you will see the Tower of Bable, also know as the Stairway to Heaven. It is located in the nothern past of Samarra and is one of thier most loved religious structures.
I am the Pastor of Youth at Bellepoint Baptist Church in Frankfort, KY. My primary responsibility is to teach the Word of God faithfully and Christocentricly that God in Christ might be magnified and praised by all peoples. To do this I will be teaching through the Bible pointing to Christ and then through the Baptist Catechism that those under my teaching might be grounded in sound doctrine.
PO Box:
Michael Naaktgeboren
SBTS 619; 2825 Lexington Road;
Louisville, KY 40280
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