Yesterday was a good day, up at 0330 for me so that I could go talk to some friends who are more like family. Got to talk to Leah and Nancy for a while and to Dustin along enough for him to give me a picture he took of himself with his new camera. And I also got to talk to Sampson about the ever changing story of his life and the girls mixed it to it. So it was a good morning, even if a little early. Then I went on to work at around 0515 because even though the mission was on for the afternoon we still had to replace Gun12 at 06. About 0645 we got relieved and headed back to the bunker to get our Gun ready to role out (for those who may not know what I do I am in artillery and a gun isn’t like a M16 but it is a 56,000 lb track vehicle that shoots 100 lb rounds along way). The Lt. gave his mission briefing at 0800 and we started our training on the certain type of mission planned for the day.
It was a different sort of mission that we did this time then we would normally do so we had to make sure that any sort of bugs were worked out and we would be able to fire in a fast and safe manner. So we left out at 1245 and headed to the firing point. It wasn’t a long trip to the firing point, about one hour. It was a good trip though the city of Tuz, my first being up out of the hatch to see what is going on around me. I had ridden though before but that was in a Hum V and it is a little different when your in a track and your 10ft of the ground. The Gas lines were long as ever, poor people. Children were out on the streets also, many who seem to work with their parents selling all sorts of merchandise. With so many children out it gave us a great chance to give out some of the candy that we had prepared for the trip.
So we got down to the firing point and set up and were ready to fire. One of the hard things about this mission we did today is that it is designed to work in cooperation with the Air Force. We are to fire projectiles as the Air Force comes in and drops there bombs on top of the enemy target. Today’s wasn’t a really mission, just a practice for the real thing encase it is needed. But the thing is, we have to be fast and on time to do this sort of mission. If we are seconds late in the real thing it could mean a horrible end for some pilot. So we began the mission and everything went great, but for some reason the Lt. didn’t think we were ready to stop training so we repeated the whole thing again. In all we shot 12 rounds down range. Then we picked up our gear and headed toward the impact area.
This was something pretty neat for me because I have never been to the impact zone. Being a 13B shooting rounds is what I do so I don’t usually get to see what damage we do. So we march down to the impact area and look around. It was pretty interesting. Got to see where the rounds hit. It doesn’t make that big of a hole usually because as soon as it hits the round blows throwing shrapnel all over the place. But one hit a trench of some sort and made a pretty nice little hole in the ground. We also shot four M825 Smoke rounds which are filled with WP (white phosperous). That is basically a chemical that when mixed with water and oxygen is highly flammable and if ever came into contact with a person it would burn though their flesh. Thankfully we didn’t have any sheep in the impact area today, what a way to die. But when we came up along the impact of a couple they still had some of it burning in small clumps. It was pretty neat to see what it looks like. Well we got the view of the damage we came for so we headed back to the base.
Went back though Tuz and gave out more candy and Gatorades to the children and Iraqi Army soldiers manning the check points we went though. I got some pretty cool pictures of the Mosk that is in the city, well the big one at least.
Well I hope you enjoyed my little of excitement for the day. If anything about the candy distribution to the children affected you in any sort of way you might think about becoming a partner in the ministry FBC Sparta is starting up. They will be sending me candy though the next few months that I am here and I will be giving it out to the children of Iraq in my area of operation. One reason it is so good to do so is to show that we, Americans, are here not to hurt or rule them, but to help them to a better life where they can govern themselves. These kids are to young at the point to understand that, but it may be our kindness of today that makes them have good relations with us in the future and may be a small measure in preventing our next couple of generations from having to make the journey I have had to make over here.
Also, in all things we are to glorify God in the product. If you have anyway of getting the Word of God in Iraqi form I encourage you to send that to me so that I can put that info in the candy bags and they read and maybe though the Word of God and the Holy Spirit be led to a life given to Jesus. Packing the candy in small Ziploc bags will also be a tremendous help in saving me time and bags may be hard to come by here, but if that is to much trouble do worry about it.
So if you are interested in joining the ministry send what you can to either
FBC Candy Ministry
308 N. Spring St.
Sparta, TN 38583
SGT. Naaktgeboren
HWB 1/278
OIF 3, Bernstein