10/40 Window
"The Last Frontier of Christian Missions"
Here is my latest sermon. I preached it at Kenwood Baptist Church on June 22, 2008. In it is my hearts cry for sacrifice in the American church as we embrace suffering for the sake of Christ among the nations - starting in our own home towns and stretching out across the globe; and specifically to the most unreached parts of the world - the 10/40 Window.
In this sermon I discuss some major differences between what Paul thought and then what most in the American church think. For us, it is those who desire to go out as missionaries making tremendous sacrifices that are considered unusual. On the other hand, Paul found that those who expected to live normal comfortably lives without sacrifice or suffering for the sake of the gospel to be odd and contrary to the call of Christ. It is striking how different we as the American church are from what Paul expected. Thus, this sermon is a call to consider our lifestyles to see if we have truly heeded the call to being disciples of Christ.